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International Food Festival Malta – 2022

On this magical journey of ours in Malta, last year we represented our country at the International Food Festival. Cuisine from all continents were represented at the festival, several dozen chefs prepared their traditional dishes for the visitors. For our team, this experience is invaluable. We presented ourselves with our traditional cakes, cooked dishes – sarma and beans with smoked meat, cracklings, which are one of our best-selling products, and of course the barbecue – burgers and sausages. According to the organizers of the festival, our stand was among the top three in terms of the number of visitors, which was an extraordinary success for us at that time.

For all of you who did not have the opportunity to visit the festival, we will try to convey a bit of the atmosphere to you through a few pictures and a short video.

Magic Bites Team

Na ovom našem magičnom putovanju po Malti, prošle godine našu zemlju smo predstavili na Internacionalnom festivalu hrane. Na festivalu su bile zastupljene kuhinje sa svih kontinenata, nekoliko desetina kuvara pripremalo je svoja tradicionalna jela za posetioce. Za naš tim ovo je neprocenjivo iskustvo. Predstavili smo se sa našim tradicionalnim kolačima, kuvanim jelima – sarma i pasulj sa sušenim mesom, čvarcima koji su između ostalih jedan od naših najprodavanijih proizvoda i naravno nezaobilzni roštilj – pljeskavice i kobasice. Prema rečima organizatora festivala, naš štand je bio među prva tri po broju posetilaca, što je za nas u tom momentu bio izuzetan uspeh.

Kako je bilo na festivalu svima vama koji niste imali priliku da nas posetite pokušaćemo da dočaramo  delić atmosfere kroz fotografije i kratak video.

Magic Bites Tim

Magic Bites Team

Our goal is to make people from the Balkans feel at home with the tastes they are used to and to introduce our cuisine to the local population and people from other parts of the world.


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