Our Blog / Naš blog

We will do our best so that through our blog you can follow all the projects and festivals we are working on, and read something interesting about all the traditional dishes.

Potrudićemo se da kroz naš blog možete da ispratite sve projekte i festivale na kojima radimo, a takođe i da pročitate po neku zanimljivost o svim tradicionalnim jelima.

Predškolica srpskog jezika na Malti

Predškolica srpskog jezika na Malti

Još jedan fantastičan događaj u našoj srpskoj zajednici na Malti je pred nama. Mi vam ne bismo puno o tome pisali, sve je objašnjeno na flajeru koji smo stavili ispod teksta. Želimo da vas pozovemo da nam se pridružite, pomognete I podržite najmlađe članove naše...

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Festival Destination North 2023

Festival Destination North 2023

The Destination North festival is being held for the first time this year. You will be able to enjoy concerts, children’s activities, airshows, folklore performances, but also the most important thing – food! Several world cuisines with their most beautiful flavors will be presented at the festival.

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