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Festival Destination North 2023

Event Announcement:

In the previous text, we gave you the impressions of last year’s festival from Valletta, and here we want to announce our new magical adventure.

The Destination North festival is being held for the first time this year. You will be able to enjoy concerts, children’s activities, airshows, folklore performances, but also the most important thing – food! Several world cuisines with their most beautiful flavors will be presented at the festival.

This year, Magic Bites will present to you the other part of its offer. We make dumplings, various biscuits, pies, puff pastry and several other types of pastries just for you, which will surely attract you with their aroma!

Visit us on Saturday (September 23rd) from 10:00 to 23:30 and Sunday (September 24th) from 10:00 to 21:30 in Bugibba, in Trunċiera Street, and we’ll certainly convey the atmosphere with pictures and live videos.

Come and enjoy it together with us!

Najava događaja:

U prethodnom tekstu preneli smo vam utiske prošlogodišnjeg festivala iz Valete, a ovim putem želimo da vam najavimo našu novu magičnu avanturu.

Festival Destination North održava se prvi put ove godine. Moći ćete da uživate u koncertima, sadržajima za decu, airshow, folklornim izvođenjima, ali i onom najbitnijem – hrani! Na festivalu će se predstaviti nekoliko svetskih kuhinja sa svojim najlepšim ukusima.

Magic Bites ove godine predstaviće vam drugi deo svoje ponude. Samo za vas pravimo gomboce, razne keksiće, pite, pamuk kroasane i još nekoliko vrsta peciva, koja će vas sigurno privući svojim mirisom!

Posetite nas u subotu (23. septembar) od 10:00 do 23:30 i nedelju (24. septembar) od 10:00 do 21:30 u Budžibi, ulica Trunċiera, a mi ćemo svakako slikama i videima uživo da prenesemo atmosferu.

Dođite da uživamo zajedno!

Day 1:

We started our two-day magical adventure at the Destination NORTH Festival in Bugibba. We represent our country with traditional dishes made of crackers, scones, savory and sweet pies and cakes.

We bring you a piece of the atmosphere through a few photos. Expect more photos in the end of the day two.

Dan 1:

Započeli našu dvodnevnu magičnu avanturu na Destination NORTH Festivalu u Budžibi. Našu zemlju predstavljamo tradicionalnim jelima od čvaraka, pogačica, slanih i slatkih pita i kolača.

Donosimo vam delić atmosfere u nekoliko fotografija. Očekujte više fotografija na kraju drugog dana.

Day 2:

After 25 hours of tireless work, our team managed to collect impressions from the festival. It was truly magical for us, and hundreds of fantastic people who visited our stand and made us smile with their positive, festival energy contributed to that. In addition, we found time to enjoy various concerts, performances for children, airshow, animal exhibitions and a wonderful cultural and artistic program where our country was represented by our KUD “Dukat” from Malta.

We want to thank all of you who visited our stand, who supported us, and we are especially grateful to the organizers for the fantastic organization of the festival.

See you at a future festival, and until then, follow our blog because we are planning a lot more to present to you!

Along the way, take a look at some more photos and video that we managed to capture.

Dan 2:

Posle 25 sati neumornog rada, naš tim je uspeo da sabere utiske sa festivala. Nama je zaista bilo magično a tome je doprinelo stotine fantastičnih ljudi koji su posetili naš štand i svojom pozitivnom, festivalskom energijom nam izmamili osmehe. Pored toga, nasli smo vremena i da uživamo u raznim koncertima, performansima za decu, airshow, izložbama životinja i predivnom kulturno-umetničkom programu gde je našu zemlju predstavljao naš KUD „Dukat“ sa Malte.

Želimo da se zahvalimo svima vama koji ste posetili naš štand, koji ste nas podržali, a posebno smo zahvalni organizatorima na fantastičnoj organizaciji festivala.

Vidimo se na nekom narednom festivalu, a vi do tad pratite nas blog jer planiramo jos mnogo toga da vam predstavimo!

Pored toga, pogledajte još po neku fotografiju i video koje smo uspeli da zabeležimo.

Before the very closing of the festival, it was very cheerful. That in addition to cooking, we also know how to dance, let this video clip testify.

Pred samo zatvaranje festivala bilo je veoma veselo. Da pored kuvanja znamo i da igramo, svedoči i ovaj video klip.

Magic Bites Team

Our goal is to make people from the Balkans feel at home with the tastes they are used to and to introduce our cuisine to the local population and people from other parts of the world.


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