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Magic Bites Ltd. Malta – Homemade dishes

We started our magical journey on October 6, 2020. Our goal is to make people from the Balkans feel at home with the tastes they are used to and to introduce our cuisine to the local population and people from other parts of the world. At the very beginning, we only had a few types of cookies and a few types of pastries on offer, which were made according to the traditional recipes of our grandmothers. Every day we add new flavors to our offer to satisfy all your needs, so today we have over fifty savoury and sweet products. Due to the diversity of people living in Malta, we try to include the tastes of other world cuisines in our offer too.

What sets us apart are traditional homemade dishes without additives and artificial colors. All the ingredients we use are homemade and we do not add flavor enhancers. Each order is made shortly before delivery so that fresh taste and aroma always reach your table.

In addition to the daily improvement of our team and work on new products, we dedicate our time to projects where we want to share our knowledge with you. An important form of promotion of our traditional dishes are various food festivals, where everyone can taste and buy our products.

If you are unfamiliar with Balkan cuisine, browse our magical website and be sure that you will fall in love with every dish you order. Ordering is fast, easy, and available 24/7. We will do our best so that through our blog you can follow all the projects and festivals we are working on, and read something interesting about all the traditional dishes. In addition to the website, you can get all the information you need via WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook, or Instagram. We will try to answer all your questions and requests as soon as possible.

Magic Bites Team

Svoje magično putovanje započeli smo 6. oktobra 2020. godine. Cilj nam je da se ljudi sa prostora Balkana osećaju kao kod kuće uz ukuse na koje su navikli i da domaćem stanovništvu i ljudima iz drugih krajeva sveta predstavimo našu kuhinju. Na samom početku u našoj ponudi imali smo samo nekoliko vrsta kolača i nekoliko vrsta peciva koji su pravljeni po tradicionalnim receptima naših baka. Svakog dana unosimo u ponudu nove ukuse kako bi zadovoljili sve vaše potrebe, tako da danas imamo preko pedeset slanih i slatkih proizvoda. Zbog različitosti naroda koji živi na prostoru Malte, trudimo se da u našu ponudu uvrstimo i ukuse drugih svetskih kuhinja.

Ono što nas izdvaja su tradicionalna ’’homemade’’ jela bez aditiva, veštačkih boja i aroma. Svi sastojci koje koristimo su domaći i ne dodajemo pojačivače ukusa. Svaka porudžbina se radi neposredno pre isporuke tako da bi do vašeg stola uvek stigao svež ukus i miris.  

Pored svakodnevnog usavršavanja našeg tima i rada na novim proizvodima, svoje vreme posvećujemo i projektima kojima želimo naše znanje da podelimo sa vama. Bitan vid promocije naših tradicionalnih jela su razni festivali hrane, gde svi mogu da probaju i kupe naše proizvode.

Ukoliko vam je balkanska kuhinja strana, prelistajte naš magični sajt i budite sigurni da ćete se zaljubiti u svako naručeno jelo. Poručivanje je brzo, jednostavno i dostupno 24/7. Mi ćemo se potruditi da kroz naš blog možete da ispratite sve projekte i festivale na kojima radimo, a takođe i da pročitate po neku zanimljivost o svim tradicionalnim jelima. Pored sajta, sve informacije koje su vam potrebne možete da dobijete i preko WhatsApp, Vibera, Facebook ili Instagram stranice. Trudimo se da u najkraćem roku odgovaramo na sva vaša pitanja i zahteve.

Magic Bites Tim

Our most wanted dishes:

Naša najtraženija jela:

Magic Bites Team

Our goal is to make people from the Balkans feel at home with the tastes they are used to and to introduce our cuisine to the local population and people from other parts of the world.


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